Well, I finally got around to getting myself a new DS toy. For months I’ve been playing it, and every so often get myself a new game, so I thought it was about time to give it a try. I’ve loved my XBox for years, and believe it to be one of the best things I’ve bought in the past few years. So, I ordered myself the SuperCard DS (One) with a 1gb Micro-SD card. Arrived 2 days later (I paid extra for fast delivery) and opened it up. It took me about 10 minutes to get the whole thing working and now it’s absolutely brilliant. I’ve managed to download a few Homebrew games to try. Most of them are part of a coding competition for the DS, but they’re pretty impressive. Tiny little things, which would probably be more suited to mini-games, but they are still good.
I’ve tryed a couple of apps for it too. A few problems with some, mainly the main program comes up with an error at startup, but I don’t know how to sort it. Not that it matters too much, because it still runs. The thing I was most impressed with was the IRC. I use IRC a lot and so the ability to use it on DS wherever I want (or at least, wherever theres a Wi-Fi hotspot).
I’ve looked into some more of the features for it too. I know I should be able to download games, but also theres meant to be cheats for the games. Now this function I’m interested in, obviously theres some problems – many people have used them to play games online(which is just ridiculous – if you dont play it properly, wheres the fun?). I wouldn’t mind it for a few things though – Unlocking all carts on MarioKart, Beating Charizard on Pokemon Ranger, that sort of stuff.
Basically, I think it’s been absolutely great. Next thing now is to get homebrew on my PSP, or 360. Although, I maybe should get it for my PS2 – I’ve had the modchip sitting around for over a year now. But either way, I’m happy with it.