In my second semester of Dip H/E Computing & I.T. my coursework was to create a website for “Web and Multimedia Fundamentals”, using images created in Macromedia Fireworks MX (yes… Macromedia, not Adobe). It is because of this course that I now insist on doing my images in Fireworks rather than PhotoShop as everyone keeps telling my to.
The aim was to make a website for a movie. It was meant to be a professional site, however that was pretty limited from the get-go as it was to be a static page, with no technology other than html. Even css was out for it.
I didn’t do particularly well in the course. I didn’t see graphics as something which I needed, as I was meant to be learning computing. I also had a great struggle since I do not have a graphical, creative mind. The work was basically hack and slash – exactly the same as I would have been done if I’d gotten a movie poster and a craft knife. None-the-less I passed the module and went into my second year.
Archive Link: Dracula 2001